We are oZm.

This project has been developed by people who really love what they do. Discover more about all the members of this great team.

How it all started?

oZm was born as a collaborative project between the University of Almeria UAL and the University of Granada UGR based on some strong ideas: to offer an effective tool that transparently applies advanced mathematical algorithms, to obtain accurate electrical measurements and open the system to the community to promote awareness in energy saving.

The Team.

Francisco Gil

Electrical Engineer and associate professor at the University of Almeria with more than 20 years of experience in power quality, evolutionary optimization and renewable energies

Alfredo Alcayde

Computer Science Engineer with a strong background on automated systems and lecturer at the University of Almeria. He is a passionate of new challenges in computer and electric engineering.

Pedro Sánchez

Software Engineer with extensive experience in web application development and monitoring systems. PhD in Computer Science from the University of Almeria.

Eduardo Viciana

Software Engineer with extensive experience in embedded software development and hardware. Graduate from the University of Almeria in Informatics and PhD in Computer Science.

Fernando Martínez

Industrial Engineer From the University of Málaga and the University of Skövde, Sweden. Master in Connected Industry 4.0 at Carlos III University.

Mario Martínez

Industrial Engineer From the University of Málaga and the University of Skövde, Sweden. Master in Connected Industry 4.0 at Carlos III University.

Our core values:



We are focused on energy saving and a more optimized energy production and consumption.



We apply the latest technologies and mathematical algorythms to provide accurate results.


We apply all the international standards and we take your security as a priority. Thus we provide full guidelines about how to properly use and install our devices.


Our philosophy has always been developing for the people. We wanted to create something that could help others to achieve better results in terms of energy analysis, so we provide opensource coding for others to enhance and develop their own projects with oZm.